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Unibetter established an interest group

Unibetter established an interest group

  • Categories:Activity
  • Time of issue:2016-07-06 23:04
  • Views:

(Summary description)In order to enrich the spare time of employees, increase the cohesion of the company, increase the communication and physical and mental health between employees, the staff is the mainstay, and the company provides financial support, specially set up a basketball team, tennis team, and badminton team to make the employees' spare time full of fun. , To improve the happiness of employees in Unibetter with rich content and diversified activities every month. It is proud to join the big family of Unibetter and to be a member of Unibetter.

Unibetter established an interest group

(Summary description)In order to enrich the spare time of employees, increase the cohesion of the company, increase the communication and physical and mental health between employees, the staff is the mainstay, and the company provides financial support, specially set up a basketball team, tennis team, and badminton team to make the employees' spare time full of fun. , To improve the happiness of employees in Unibetter with rich content and diversified activities every month. It is proud to join the big family of Unibetter and to be a member of Unibetter.

  • Categories:Activity
  • Time of issue:2016-07-06 23:04
  • Views:

  In order to enrich the spare time of employees, increase the cohesion of the company, increase the communication and physical and mental health between employees, the staff is the mainstay, and the company provides financial support, specially set up a basketball team, tennis team, and badminton team to make the employees' spare time full of fun. , To improve the happiness of employees in Unibetter with rich content and diversified activities every month. It is proud to join the big family of Unibetter and to be a member of Unibetter.

  Photos were taken for the following events:



  You see colleagues enjoying the tension of competition and sweating during exercise, don’t you want to join?

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