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Unibetter's charity activity "Deep in the old clothes, let love warm the heart"

Unibetter's charity activity "Deep in the old clothes, let love warm the heart"

  • Categories:Activity
  • Time of issue:2016-06-06 23:04
  • Views:

(Summary description)Unibetter launched an old clothes donation charity event, mobilizing colleagues to collect 6 large woven bags and more than 450 pieces of clothes in just 5 days, and they will be sent to places where they are needed more.

Unibetter's charity activity "Deep in the old clothes, let love warm the heart"

(Summary description)Unibetter launched an old clothes donation charity event, mobilizing colleagues to collect 6 large woven bags and more than 450 pieces of clothes in just 5 days, and they will be sent to places where they are needed more.

  • Categories:Activity
  • Time of issue:2016-06-06 23:04
  • Views:

  "Did you donate today?"

  Unibetter launched an old clothes donation charity event, mobilizing colleagues to collect 6 large woven bags and more than 450 pieces of clothes in just 5 days, and they will be sent to places where they are needed more.

  All the clothes collected in this donation activity will be recycled by the Shenzhen Evening News “Old Clothes” project team. They will sort, clean, disinfect, and repackage the clothes and transport them to the disaster area and Hope Primary School as charitable materials. Wait where there is need.

  Unibetter’s activity carried forward the traditional Chinese national spirit of unity, friendship, mutual help and mutual assistance, and made waste reuse, which not only protects the environment but also contributes to its own love, which is conducive to building a harmonious socialist society. Unibetter described what corporate social responsibility is with its own practical actions, and set a good example for the public.

  Look at the photo directly:

  Colleagues handed over with Miss Zhu from the Shenzhen Evening News "Old Clothes and Deep Feelings" project team.




  A big bag full of it, I can’t lift it with 2 hands




  Miss Zhu from the "Old Clothes" project team explained to us how the clothes you donated will be processed and where they will go.

  Let us know how much impact the improper handling of these old clothes has on the environment.




  Passing warmth, Xiaoshan gathers great love. Give a rose, leave a lingering fragrance in your hand, donate a piece of clothing, and offer a piece of love! Unibetter's small charity will warm the hearts of those who need help, and pass the love to them, warm and moved. you me him!

  Looking forward to Unibetter’s next charity event.

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